
Stuart Hunt, Artistic Director
Esse quam videri....to be rather than seem to be.
Now in his 48th year of music education in Washington State, Mr. Hunt has an Associate of Arts degree from Lower Columbia College, and a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music from the University of Washington, studying conducting under Prof. Rodney Eichenberger. As Director of Choral Activities in Quincy, Washington for 18 years and Choral Conductor at Marysville-Pilchuck High School for 12 years, Stuart has been privileged to serve over 15,000 students.
Mr. Hunt was the Associate Conductor of the Seattle Girls Choir from 1990-2003. Choirs under his direction have traveled internationally to music festivals. Choirs under his direction have performed over 26 regional, national, and international concert tours. They have twice competed and won prizes in Vienna. In 2000, Seattle Girls' Choir, Cantamus, under his direction, placed 2nd in the International Kathaumixw - the highest place of any choir in North America.
Mr. Hunt founded and operates Northern Sound Press and Tools for Conductors which publishes sight-reading, assessments for choirs/bands and orchestras. He is also partnering with the University of Washington to create the first national choir sight-reading rubric and assessment tool for choral literature.
He is proud to advocate for the arts by arranging school district arts conventions, consulting on arts programs, and working with or calling school boards to task for their excision of arts programs. He is active as an adjudicator, lecturer, clinician, and independent conductor; he loves the choral arts and works to promote it.

Laureen Breon, Accompanist
To be a good musician, you must have the heart of a gypsy and the discipline of a soldier
-Ludwig Von Beethoven
Laurie teaches general music in the Arlington School District. She has been at Kent Prairie Elementary School since 2000. In addition to a full class schedule, she directs the "Choir on Fire," an honor choir of about 80 fourth and fifth graders. Ms. Breon holds both a Bachelor of Music degree in Piano Performance and a Master of Arts in Music from Washington State University where she studied with renowned pianist, Dr. Istvan Nadas. She has taught piano and music theory at Washington State University, Blue Mountain Community College in Pendleton OR, and Edmonds Community College. Before joining the Arlington School District, Laurie taught in the Marysville and Mount Vernon school districts.
She enjoys playing the organ and piano for her church, spending time with her family, and watching the Cougs, Mariners, and Seahawks. She is currently in her 8th year with Sonus Boreal.